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First Draft Protocols for the OCC

In consultation with the local health unit, and CurlON we defined our protocols moving forward.

If the Omemee Curling Centre does open for the 2021/2022 Curling Season (to be determined September 30, 2021):

-All members, coaches and spectators must be fully vaccinated in order to enter the centre. Fully vaccinated means you have had 2 shots of any of the approved vaccines, at least 14 days, prior to entering the centre. On your first game, you will be required to show proof to the League Representative. The proof you are providing will only be shared by the League Representative & the Directors of Membership. Any member who is not fully vaccinated due to a medical exemption or age (under age 12) will have to wear a mask on and off the ice.

-At the main entrance you will find our contact tracing protocols listed and a form in which to sign in. We are hoping to get an app system from CurlON, and will update accordingly.

-Mask must be worn in the building at all times, except when you are on the ice surface playing and when you are seated at your table with a beverage or food.

-The 2021/2022 season will run with all previous leagues. Change Rooms are closed presently. Members are asked to bring their equipment with them to the upper lounge and sit at their assigned tables until we proceed to the ice surface.

-Teams will enter the ice surface, with those playing on the furthest sheet first.

-Teams may sweep with two sweepers, however the OCC will leave that to be determined by their teammates. Skips can sweep behind the hog line.

-Rocks and end numbers will be sanitized at the end of every game. Measuring sticks will be sanitized after each use by the members. Brooms and glides will be available for use by members and will be sanitized after use.



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